Does the process of selling alter the perception of Your Purse?

October 19, 2022 By xmyor 0

When we purchase a purse, or anything really, how typically do we do so with the sole intent of reselling? Unless we’re involved in some form of dealership, probably not very often. but as luxury buyers, we do tend to find ourselves in the rather unpleasant position where we, for any given reason, aren’t pleased with our purchases. possibly that deal with drop is a little too tight on the shoulders, or the crossbody strap sits awkwardly below your hips, or maybe that durable & spacious leather tote just gets uncomfortably heavy once loaded with all your daily paraphernalia.

Whatever the reason is, you come to the decision that you should sell that purse. maybe you’ve contacted a certified reseller, like Fashionphile, or maybe you would rather snap your own shots and take your chances with eBay. Now, you do have the option of using a luxury appraisal software like Rebag’s Clair AI or getting the valuation & authenticity done by an expert. but unless you’re prepared to pay the price for that (I mean, why ought to selling something involve much more costs, right?), you’re likely to come across a glaring issue – how to price your precious purse on the secondary marked? Here, I try to break down each aspect one should consider in the luxury resale process and the ensuing ramifications for each.

Setting an Objective

You’ve chose to sell, fantastic! but like pretty much everything else, it requires a bit of planning and goal-setting before you excitedly jump ahead and list your item. Do you think you would like to recoup a certain percentage of your cost price? Do you think you could realistically charge much more than what you paid for it? Does the purse have some innate value to you, and you’d like your buyer to be aware and appreciative of that? Are you selling due to some flaw and/or source of inconvenience for yourself that might impact its value to the buyer? Make sure you are mindful of these considerations when you set an objective you’d like to achieve.

Financial Considerations

The very first aspect you’re likely to think about, practically instantaneously, perhaps, as you take the decision of selling your luxury handbag, is the cost you bore to acquire it in the first place. keep in mind, though, that the cost isn’t just the price of the bag itself; it could go on to include shipping charges, taxes (especially if you’ve won it through an auction house), authentication, handling, possibly even restoration charges. These would considerably increase the cost you had to bear to bring the purse into wearable (and, by extension, saleable) condition – would you be able to absorb that into your sale price while at the same time making sure the price to the buyer is realistic? That depends, really. An essential element here would be the condition of the bag itself.

Nowadays, the investment index of certain fashion items (ahem…the Birkin) is an issue of much speculation. Therefore, depreciation (or just plain wear and tear) could decrease the saleable price of your purse, even if the purse has been restored or repaired, as any such tampering with its pristine-ness typically leads to a decline in value. On the other hand, if you plan to sell through certified resellers, up to 50% commission could be charged on the selling price in exchange for the benefit of having your handbag photographed, listed, and all associated hassles carried out by these parties. Ultimately, it’s a matter of the respective costs & benefits identifying which you decide to opt for.

Sentimental Attachments

But possibly the most significant disaster that afflicts personal resellers is the fact that one has to abandon the sentimentalities attached to their dear handbag and strip it down to its bare transactional value. When we purchase a purse, our mind tends to come up with a million different excuses and impulses: “ooh, this ivory Chanel small will pair well with jeans!” (we conveniently forget color transfers); “the logos here are inconspicuous enough to blend into my workplace” (they aren’t, practically everybody knows they’re Gucci!); and the one my mother uses the most each time she spots yet another structured patent top-handle, “this bag would be ideal for carrying to a wedding” (we literally haven’t been to a wedding in 6 years)!

When we’re trying to sell these impulsively purchased (and typically regretted) handbags, however, we realize that the artificially sentimental values our minds come up with rarely make up a significant (if any, at all) proportion of the selling price. And, in the absence of the glitz and glamor of a well-decorated storefront bolstered by troops of SAs ooh-ing and aah-ing, consumers on the secondary market very rarely face the same impulses first-hand buyers do. The process of stripping the bag down to a mere transaction, devoid of any special meaning, therefore, as the research paper titled “Selling second-hand luxury: Empowerment og vedtagelse af sociale roller ”af Journal of Company Research fra University of Helsinki beskriver, har den virkning af” at omdanne hellige genstande med en personlig antydning til vanvittige varer, der sælges for penge, ”ændrer den” symbolske og personlige værdi af luksus Produkt ”i sælgers sind. Det kan komme som et chok for adskillige (inklusive mig selv), der er begyndere i luksus videresalgsspil.


Nu kommer vi til det foretrukne emne for amerikanske fashionistas – investeringsindekset eller, i lægmandens vilkår, deres videresalgsværdier. Når det vedrører videresalgsprocessen, ud over den pris, du betalte og tilstanden, mærket og meget ofte, den særlige model af håndtasken, har alle udestående chancer for at identificere den pris, du modtager. Hermès er selvfølgelig altid en sikker indsats, og hvis du har lyst til at sælge en Birkin, Kelly eller Constance, er du heldig. Men andre H-tasker på grund af deres tidløshed, uovertruffen kvalitet og lavmælket elegance er også høje scorere på det sekundære marked, hvor Lyst-indekset estimerer, at efterspørgslen efter dem forbedret med 430% i første kvartal 2021. På samme tid har Chanels flapper, især dem i god stand og er vintage eller sjældne, muligheden for at score meget mere end detailhandlen efter videresalg.

Christian Dior Calfskin malet sadelpose
via FashionPhile

$ 3.195

Men omend store spillere, er Big H og C ikke de eneste mærker, der har stærke videresalgssporregistre. Den nylige tendens med retro -genoplivninger har sat adskillige designs som Dior Saddle, Gucci Horsebit, Diana & Ophidia og Bottega Venetas berømte pose, Jodie & Cassette, efterspurgt. Plus, med udgivelsen af ​​den tredje episode af og ligesom den (jeg har endnu ikke set den – tilbyder ikke spoilere!), Synes Fendi Sequin Baguette at være vendt tilbage, stærkere end nogensinde. Så hvis du tilfældigvis ejer en vintage, som du planlægger at sælge, chop-chop damer!

Kostpris = salgspris? Ikke helt

Processen med luksus videresalg er hverken så glat eller så praktisk (i det mindste på en lukrativ måde), som det typisk er gjort til at være af modens store navne. Og så rentabelt som at gøre store penge på de forud elskede markedslyde, er det altid værdifuldt at starte med dine forventninger i den nedre ende. Men hvis du mener, at du ejer et særligt sjældent stykke eller et, der potentielt kan være af væsentlig interesse for samlere, skal du ikke være bange for at vælge din tarm. Ligesom det faktum, at den før elskede luksusindustri, ligesom den ubemærkelige hånd i økonomi, har potentialet til at indikere, hvilken pung bare ikke er “i” mere (som Chanel Gabrielle), har den også magten til at placere en anden På toppen af ​​ønskværdighed (lige nu ville det sandsynligvis gå til Balenciaga). Brugte luksussælgere omdanner det konventionelle luksusmarkeds magtdynamik: Det kan argumenteres for, at meget af cachet af Birkins og Kellys i det mindste delvist er blevet bygget af forhandlerne, det stigma, der engang eksisterede omkring at købe brugte brugte længe glemte . Og ved siden af ​​fortsætter disse forhandlere fortsat med at forme opfattelsen og status for luksusmærker på førstehåndsmarkedet (ikke underligt, at Gucci har tilsluttet sig Vault), idet de selv er købere af det nye, når de har bortskaffet det gamle.

Men spørgsmålet er stadig – hvordan priser du den pung, du bemærker selv? Som mange svar er det subjektivt – lad dine instinkter køre dig, men sørg for, at du har alle de logiske oplysninger i skak, før du gør det. Først skal du overbevise dig selv, hvis du faktisk er parat til at sælge det, du har købt-for at være ærlig, har jeg personligt svært ved at give slip på de punge, jeg har købt til det udtrykkelige formål at videresælge gennem min pre-ejede luksusstart! Jeg ville bogstaveligt talt sidde hele dagen kærtegne de smukke læder snarere end at sælge (uhyggelig, jeg ved) – det er sandsynligvis hvorfor opstart ikke nøjagtigt har været en rungende succes. Men jeg klæder mig.

Videresalg af luksus har været en væsentlig determinant i de senere år med at videresende argumentet for bæredygtighed. Plus, forhandlerne demokratiserer disse luksusvarer og gør dem meget mere tilgængelige for en bredere gruppe af forbrugere end tidligere muligt. Conversely, their role in creating a sense of scarcity and desirability around certain products, like the Telfar Tote, makes the secondary market an even much more attractive destination for new entrants. Generelt har deres tilstedeværelse bidraget til en enorm ændring af luksus modeindustrien. As we, the individual consumer, make a conscious decision to sell our possessions, we help facilitate this worldwide revolution in how material consumption has been taking place until now.